Technical Export Control Consulting
Export control and customs law have a lot to do with technical expertise. For the classification of goods under export law and the tariffing of goods under customs law, there is more than just knowledge of the law. You often have to understand your goods in terms of technology - and in some cases also from a scientific point of view - down to the smallest details in order to classify them correctly.
For example, do you understand why in dual-use list position 3A001.b.10 an originally missing - but meanwhile added by the legislator - minus sign in front of the formula led to an error in the testing of oscillators or oscillator assemblies, specified for operation with a phase noise in the one-sided band (SSB) in dBc/Hz smaller (better) than - (126 + 20log10F - 20log10f) in the range 0 Hz ≤ F ≤ 10 kHz?
Hagemann Trade Compliance Consulting works together with a physicist specialized in technical export control for questions on the technological or scientific classification of goods.